Journal articles

12) Road Capacity, Domestic Trade and Regional Outcomes, with Banu Demir, Devaki Ghose and Nathaniel Young (NBER WP 29228, CEPR DP 16512, featured in the World Bank Development blog, VoxEu), Journal of Economic Geography (journal link), September 2022, Vol.22(5).

11) The Geopolitics of International Trade in Southeast Asia, with Benjamin Thomas (NBER WP 28048, CEPR DP 15414, featured in VoxEu, The National Interest), Review of World Economics (journal link), February 2021, Vol.157(1).

10) Trade, Merchants and Lost Cities of the Bronze Age, (appendix), with Gojko Barjamovic, Thomas Chaney and Ali Hortacsu (NBER WP 23992, CEPR DP 12408, Neubauer Collegium link, featured in Science, New York Times, Der Spiegel, Newsweek, Washington Post, Archaeology), Quarterly Journal of Economics (journal link), August 2019, Vol.134(3).

9) Shipping inside the Box: Containerization and Trade, with Banu Demir (CEPR DP 11750, featured in VoxEu), Journal of International Economics (journal link), September 2018, Vol.114.

8) What Drives Home Market Advantage?, with Paul Grieco, Shengyu Li and Felix Tintelnot (NBER WP 21583, CEPR DP 10852, featured in VoxEu), Journal of International Economics (journal link), January 2018, Vol.110.

7) Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Dynamic Optimization, with Ed Green, Macroeconomic Dynamics (journal link), April 2016, Vol.20(3).

6) Firm Dynamics, Job Turnover, and Wage Distributions in an Open Economy, with Nezih Guner and James Tybout (NBER WP 16326, CEPR DP 9732, featured in VoxEu and Vox.Lacea), American Economic Review (journal link), March 2016, Vol.106(3).

5) Internal Geography, International Trade, and Regional Specialization, with Pablo Fajgelbaum (NBER WP 19697, featured in Chicago Booth Review), AEJ Microeconomics (journal link), February 2016, Vol.8(1).

4) Domestic Road Infrastructure and International Trade: Evidence from Turkey, with Banu Demir, (featured in Chicago Booth Review), Journal of Development Economics (journal link), January 2016, Vol.118.

3) Borders, Geography, and Oligopoly: Evidence from the Wind Turbine Industry, with Paul Grieco and Felix Tintelnot, Review of Economics and Statistics (journal link), July 2015, Vol.97(3).

2) Bias in Estimating Border- and Distance-related Trade Costs: Insights from an Oligopoly Model, with Paul Grieco and Felix Tintelnot, Economics Letters (journal link), January 2015, Vol.126.

1) Human Capital, Technology Adoption and Development, The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics (Contributions) (journal link), January 2011, Vol.11(1).


4) Transformational Recovery: Seizing Opportunities from the Crisis, IMF Economic Review (journal link), editorial to the special conference volume. September 2023.

3) Overland Transport Costs : A Review, World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 10156 (report link), prepared as a background paper for the Global Transport Practice Flagship Report Shrinking Economic Distance. September 2022.

Published as a research note (A Practitioner's Guide to Estimate Overland Transportation Costs), New Zealand Economic Papers (journal link), 2024.

2) Infrastructure and Growth, with Alex Chirmiciu, Flavia Cifarelli, Banu Demir and Nathaniel Young, EBRD Transition Report 2017-18 (report link), November 2017.

1) Comments on "The Export Performance of Turkey (1996-2013)", by Seda Köymen Özer and Selin Sayek Böke, İktisat, İşletme ve Finans (journal link), May 2015.


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